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Volume Discounts

To reward our best selling artist we offer discounts off the price of printing once you reach certain sales thresholds. 


For the Professional Tier the first threshold is $1000. Once you sell $1000 in prints you get 10% off the price of printing and after you hit $3000 in sales you get  25% off the price of printing, meaning you keep 10% and 25% more profit respectively by selling more prints on our platform.


The professional/custom pricing tier does require approval before being applied to your Snapshot Collective domain.

Professional/Custom Pricing

If you opt for our preset pricing within this tier retail prices range from $125 to $1000 and your profits range from $55.00 to $742.50 depending on the size of the print and the discount threshold you are currently on.


Otherwise your pricing and profits can vary greatly depending on how you set your prices.

You can request to view specific per print pricing by filling out the contact form below.

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